garden in WashingtonThere are plenty of features that come with landscaping, but the most popular is a garden. A garden in Washington can be a sanctuary for all sorts of plants, but most gardeners like to get into flowers first. Even if you’re a beginner, planning out a flower bed isn’t too complicated. When you’re done there are professional landscapers that can help you maintain the hard work you put into making your flower bed a beautiful extension of your home.

If you want to try some new ways to improve the look of your flower garden in Washington or if you’re trying it out for the first time, here are some tips:

Know Where You Want Your Flowers

If you’re starting out with taking care of a garden in Washington for the first time, don’t bite off more than you can chew. It may be tempting to plant as many flowers as you want or have them everywhere, but it requires strategy. Professional landscapers don’t just place flowers willy-nilly. They carefully consider what type of flowers are suitable for you and how they should best be displayed. There are three types of ways you can show your flowers to the world.

  1. A Flowerbed: This is the most common and popular. It’s basically planting flowers in the ground. Your greatest caution would be to make sure they are fenced off and protected from critters that like to snack on them.
  2. Potted Flowers: This option offers more protection for your flowers, but at the cost of limited space. Potting flowers can also make them portable. Now you’ll have the option to move them to different areas of your yard, on your patio, or bring them indoors. They may also fit nicely on a window sill.
  3. Groundcovers:A plant that blossoms horizontally is beautiful. A variety of them can look great alongside your hardscape structures, and the majority of them don’t require a lot of maintenance unlike grass. Consider it as a natural form of decoration.

Know What Type of Flowers You Want

Every flower grows in a different way, but they all need the same type of general care. Each type of flower has specific features that will add something special to your garden in Washington. And each species requires varying needs and environmental conditions. Professional landscapers look at these three components when picking out flowers:

  1. Color: Adding color can drastically change the appearance and feel of a backyard. A professional landscaper will choose flowers that complement each other on the color wheel to make the biggest visual impact without seeming too busy with too many hues.
  2. Sun Vs. Shade: When it comes to choosing your flowers, you need to take into account if they like full sun, part shade, or full shade. Choosing flowers according to the amount of sunlight your gardens get during the day will determine how well they do.
  3. Scent: Of course most flowers are going to give off a scent. Some will be good, some will be bad, some will be strong, and some will be too subtle. Make sure you know what you want and be sure it’s a smell you can endure on a daily basis.

Flower gardening is an excellent landscaping experience that requires constant maintenance. Do you want the beauty of a flower garden in Washington Township, but feel like you wouldn’t have the time? Sinacori Landscaping has you covered. If you live in Macomb or Oakland County, get in touch with them today.