The perfect garden doesn’t appear overnight. The best gardens have been carefully planned. With so many factors to consider, you can’t just jump in and hope for the best. Ask yourself these questions first before starting. When the time comes to put the plan into place, you’ll already be headed in the right direction!

Where does the sun fall on my garden and at what time?

Before you start making a blueprint of where everything goes, you need to note where and when the sunlight falls on your yard. This is important because it will help you determine where you can plant flowers and which plants will work best. Some plants thrive in long hours of sun, others prefer half-sun and half-shade, and others like little sun. You’ll also want to take note of the amount of sunshine if you want to incorporate a nice dining area which you’ll want to be nice and shady when the sun’s high up.

How much privacy do you already have and how much do you want?

Do you have nosy neighbors and an open yard? Or perhaps your home rests at the bottom of a hill? Then you may need to incorporate tall trees or a trellis so can block the view that your neighbors get.

Do I need an outside tap?

If your yard doesn’t already have a tap which you can use to connect a hose, then you may need to have one installed. While you’re at it, a professional landscaper can also recommend a good system to keep your plants watered.

Use the tap as part of an automatic sprinkler system. It can also be useful for those with children who will need to fill up a small wading pool in the summer.

Who will be using the garden the most?

Does your design need to cater to a family? Does it need to consider family pets? Will you be using it to host social events? Or will the design cater to just you and your spouse? The overall design may need to be updated to match who’s going to use the space.

Remember to consider the needs of everyone who will be enjoying the elegant garden escape. If you have a dog that likes to play in your flowerbeds then it may be best to reconsider delicate flowers that will only be trampled. If you have children, you need to consider the safety of your design. A water feature without a basin may be better suited than a pond for families with small children.

Do I need some storage space?

Lastly, you must consider any storage you may need. If you have garden furniture that isn’t weather proof, then you may need to make room for a shed that can store the furniture, bikes, toys for your pool, etc…

How much space do I need?

The design of your elegant garden should be made to fit your space, large or small. If, for instance, you have a view then you will want to craft a relaxing space that opens up toward the view.

You can establish layers if your garden escape is located on a hillside and incorporate walkways, stairs, patios, and decks. Use them to complement existing structures, wrap around trees, or go around a pool.

Coming up with the right landscape design can mean the difference between an enjoyable space and one that never gets used. Sinacori Landscaping can help make sure you’ll have the garden of your dreams. Get in touch with them today.